Selasa, 14 April 2009

long weekend !

( sebelumnya ini bukan sok inggris, tp ini utk memenuhi tgs LIA hehe ;p )

yeaaaaah ! long weekend :D
i like weekend , because in weekend we can play with friends and family, or just take a rest . So, last weekend my family and i went to Jakarta, for more details we went to my uncle's house.
My uncle's house located in Kalimalang.
We went to my uncle's house at 11.00 a.m and arrived at 12.30 p.m
After arrived there we had lunch together .
In there i met some of my cousin like Salsa, Andin, and Saskia .
At 08.00 p.m, we watched "narnia and the prince caspian" , we had a good time :)
At 11.00 p.m my aunt said "hey, are you dont see what time is't ? lets take a sleep now" so we slept together in one room, that was very interesting !
In the morning we had a few time to played again and told some joke. We also had a breakfast together.
After that we packaged our stuff , said good bye and went back home .

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Milikilah hati yang luas seluas langit biru. Di dalam hati yang luas kamu akan menampung rasa memaafkan yang besar, kekuatan untuk berpikir dan bertindak positif, serta semangat untuk menjelang hari esok yang tidak pernah pudar. Jadilah langit itu
-Seluas Langit Biru, Sitta Karina


Foto saya
Nabila Nur Sabrina. Bila. Ilmu Komunikasi UI 2013. Menulis karena memori otak tak bertahan selamanya.

Supportive Army

Selasa, 14 April 2009

long weekend !

( sebelumnya ini bukan sok inggris, tp ini utk memenuhi tgs LIA hehe ;p )

yeaaaaah ! long weekend :D
i like weekend , because in weekend we can play with friends and family, or just take a rest . So, last weekend my family and i went to Jakarta, for more details we went to my uncle's house.
My uncle's house located in Kalimalang.
We went to my uncle's house at 11.00 a.m and arrived at 12.30 p.m
After arrived there we had lunch together .
In there i met some of my cousin like Salsa, Andin, and Saskia .
At 08.00 p.m, we watched "narnia and the prince caspian" , we had a good time :)
At 11.00 p.m my aunt said "hey, are you dont see what time is't ? lets take a sleep now" so we slept together in one room, that was very interesting !
In the morning we had a few time to played again and told some joke. We also had a breakfast together.
After that we packaged our stuff , said good bye and went back home .

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